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Various European publications in sight

Posted 28/5/2018

L’iguane will be translated in Slovak and published at Albatros Media - Slovakia in May 2019. That same year, we will also have a Romanian version of Le facteur émotif - details to come.

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The Boy Who Belonged to the Sea

Posted 2/4/2018

It is on April 5th that will finally appear the Boy Who Belonged to the Sea, Lidewy Hawke’s great English translation of my novel L'iguane. This book will be the third one that I publish at Oneworld (London) thanks to the care of my excellent publisher Juliet Mabey.

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Denis at Prague Book Fair

Posted 31/3/2018

I will be present at the Prague Book Fair from 11th to 13th May to participate in various literary and promotional activities surrounding the recent publication of the Czech translation of Le facteur émotif (The Peculiar Life of a Lonely Postman) as well as that, planned for next December, of La fiancée du facteur (The Postman’s Fiancée). It will be a nice opportunity to meet my Czech readers, to see my new friends from Albatros Media again, and to visit further this fascinating city.

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Denis at Thessaloniki Book Fair

Posted 31/3/2018

I will be at the Thessaloniki Book Fair, Greece, from 4th to 6th May, to help promote the Greek translations of L’iguane (The Boy who Belonged to the Sea) and Le facteur émotif (The Peculiar Life of a Lonely Postman). This year, the Fair's guest is "The francophone world". With my publisher Nektarios Lampropoulos, we will then move to Athens where I will devote myself for two days (7 and 8 May) to certain literary activities which remains to be specified.

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Le facteur émotif translated into Bulgarian

Posted 31/3/2018

A Bulgarian translation of my novel Le facteur émotif  (The Peculiar Life of a Lonely Postman) will be published in December 2018 by List Publishing (Sofia).

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New translations for L'iguane

Posted 11/2/2018

Over the coming months, several new translations of L'iguane will be published, in Italian (Il principe della città sommersa - Frassinelli, Milano, February 2018), in English (The Boy Who Belonged to the Sea - Oneworld publications, London, April 2018), in Dutch (Meulenhoff, Amsterdam, 2019) as well as at my new Turkish publisher (Ketebe Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2019).

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New translations for Le facteur émotif (ThePeculiar Life of a Lonely Postman)

Posted 11/2/2018

New translations of Le facteur émotif will be published in Chinese (Beijing White Horse - May 2018), in Afrikaans (South Africa - Fall 2018), and in Turkish (Ketebe Yayinlari, Istanbul, Fall 2018).

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New translations for La fiancée du facteur (The Postman’s Fiancée)

Posted 11/2/2018

In the coming months, new translations of La fiancée du facteur will be published in Czech (Albatros Media - Prague, November 2018), and in Afrikaans (South Africa - 2019). In addition, Meulenhoff, my Dutch publisher, will offer in the autumn of 2018 a double book including De eenzame postbode (Le facteur émotif) and De verloofde van de postbode (La fiancée du facteur).

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Flash tour of readings in Germany and the Czech Republic

Posted 12/11/2017

 I shall undertake, on December 5th, a flash tour of readings in Europe which will lead me first to Prag, then to three German cities.
I will go to Prag for three days on the occasion of the publication of Anna Cadilova's Czech translation of my novel Le facteur émotif at Albatros Media ( Among other events, a public reading will take place on December 7 at Fra Café (, a literary café.

I shall then travel to Munich where Die Verlobte des Briefträgers, Saskia Bontjes van Beek's German translation of La fiancée du facteur, will be published at DTV ( This will be my fourth novel published by this prestigious house. The book launch will take place on 11 December at Seidlvilla, München ( This event will be hosted by writer and journalist Günther Keil, and excerpts from the novel will be read by actress Sabrina Khalil and myself.

In the evening of December 12th, I will be in Bremen and will give a reading at the Institut Français; this meeting will be hosted by Phillipe Wellnitz, director of the Institute. Then I will go to Hamburg where I will lend myself to some promotional activities.
Two busy weeks in perspective. I will not miss this opportunity to see friends and visit some Christmas markets.

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Le facteur émotif on the "short list" for an Italian literary prize

Posted 4/7/2017

Storia di a postino solitario, the Italian translation of Le facteur émotif, by Margherita Belardetti, has been selected on the "short list" for the Premio Letteraria 2017 literary prize in the category "foreign novels". The winner of this competition will be announced in October, 2017. Congratulations to Margherita for her excellent translation.

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