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The Samurai of the Red Carnation finally released

Posted 1/7/2024

The Samurai of the Red Carnation, the English translation of my novel Le samouraï à l'oeillet rouge, is now available in bookshops in the UK and beyond. Talentedly translated by Louise Rogers Lalaurie, the novel is published by Pushkin Press under the enlightened supervision of Daniel Seton. If all goes well, the paperback version should be launched this autumn.

In anticipation of this publication, I felt the urge to follow in the footsteps of my hero, Matsuo, and went on a little trip to Japan. I come back loaded with images, visions. I mainly went to Kyoto because it is in this magical city, capital of the Japanese empire in the twelfth century, that the main actions of the novel take place. It made me want to perhaps write a sequel to the “Samurai”. We will see in the future if this project comes to fruition.

At the moment, I'm working on a new historical novel project temporarily titled Ferland.